Thursday, February 9, 2012

clear skies

Dear world,

I am in such a good mood that I have astounded even myself.

Work has gone well, other things in life are trundling along as they should be, the sun is shining and my head is clear and I haven't even had any coffee yet.

Do you know how miraculous that is?

some weeks ago it was all foggy and where a skyline ought to be was a cloud of smog. Yes, not just fog but smog. Ugh.

Thank God its clear skies today.

Mr Grey and I have been reading and praying from this book lately (the non leather paper back version) and it has blessed both of us immensely.

A common problem for a lot of Christians is that they don't know how to pray according to God's will. Prayer time becomes this laundry list of wants and needs ..... when it shouldn't be.

There's a prayer from the book excerpted below.

Have a blessed weekend!



O Lord, in prayer I launch far out into the eternal world, and on that broad ocean my soul triumphs over all evils on the shores of mortality. Time, with its gay amusements and cruel disappointments never appears so inconsiderate as then.

In prayer I see myself as nothing; I find my heart going after Thee with intensity, and long with vehement thirst to live to Thee. Blessed be the strong gales of the Spirit that speed me on my way to the New Jerusalem.

In prayer all things here below vanish, and nothing seems important but holiness of heart and the salvation of others.

In prayer all my worldly cares, fears, anxieties disappear, and are of as little significance as a puff of wind.

In prayer my soul inwardly exults with lively thoughts at what Thou art doing for Thy church, and I long that Thou shouldest get Thyself a great name from sinners returning to Zion.

In prayer I am lifted above the frowns and flatteries of life, and taste heavenly joys; entering into the eternal world I can give myself to Thee with all my heart, to be Thine for ever.

In prayer I can place all my concerns in Thy hands, to be entirely at Thy disposal, having no will or interest of my own.

In prayer I can intercede for my friends, ministers, sinners, the church, Thy kingdom to come, with greatest freedom, ardent hopes, as a son to his father, as a lover to the beloved.

Help me to be all prayer and never to cease praying.

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