Friday, November 9, 2012

Make Peace

Listening to a gorgeous piece "Make Peace" - a Pat Metheny and Brad Mehldau collaboration.

The US elections are over - was I the only Singaporean who giggled slightly when she heard President Obama say that line about how "the best is yet to come"? - I saw it in a headline and snorted rather ungracefully.

Random things I've been enjoying recently -

One - A Zhang Haochen concert - he played the Rach 2 with such clarity and restraint. I'd never heard it played that way before - with such a cool hand.

Two -Turkish cherry and vanilla jam from Marks and Spencers - on toast with good butter every morning :)

Three - Monsoon thunderstorms while cupping hot tea/milo or while eating a hot meal indoors.

Four - Walks with Mr Grey - we spotted a little grey heron that day!

Five - piano lessons. This week's one went well!

Six - Sungei Buloh with the church mates. Not a single mozzie bite and we saw a monster monitor lizard.

Now reading John Stott's "The Message of Acts" - filled with scholarly explanations and I love how he's drawing out the background to Acts so clearly. Did everyone know that the line in the Mars Hill sermon "in him we live and move and have our being" was drawn from a Greek poem? I didn't - apparently Mr Grey did; he's annoyingly stuffed with trivia like that. Also, goodness me, that sermon at Areopagus has to be the most un-PC sermon ever.

Struggling and walking through problems together with some girls from church and I'm reminded all over again about the importance of being rooted in a faithful congregation of believers.

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